Monday, October 13, 2014

I Can Choose.

I wrote this back in 1999 that still hangs on my wall at work. Actually, looking at the date I wrote it exactly 15 years ago yesterday. Anyway, today it caught my eye and I decided it was worth sharing.

I hope it brings someone a little encouragement.  

I Can Choose

I cannot control what I face in my life,
I cannot prevent all my struggles and strife.

But I do have a choice in what I do and I say,
And can control the choices I make along the way.

I can look at my circumstance and let it guide what I do,
Or Lord, I can choose Truth and stay focused on You.

I can choose to worry of what the future might bring about,
Or I can trust You today Lord without wavering in doubt.

I can react in emotion to the feelings I feel,
Or I can choose to stand firm on Your Word that is real.

I can choose fear, uncertainty, "what if's" or "may be's,"
Or I can choose You and Your Word and what forever will be.

I can choose Truth and all the peace that it holds,
And then stand secure no matter what circumstance unfolds.

For Lord, Your unchanging Word, it will anchor my soul,
And then no matter what I might face, I can stand whole.

Strengthened, assured, confident, standing firm in Your care,
I can choose You and Your Truth and find my hope there.

So Jesus, my Lord, it is You and Your Truth that I choose,
And in my choice I attain victory that I can never ever lose.

By Diana DePriest
© October 12, 1999.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


The burden of knowledge is great
You say "Look" but I do not want to see 
But what I see I say and it comes at a cost

The cost is grand
Speaking Truth 
It makes me untrustworthy
Why is that so?

Ignorance would be blissful
To not know
To have nothing to say
To be simple
Not me

"Pray," they say
But it does not settle my soul
I cannot stand to watch
To stand watch

It is easier now
Standing on the outside
But to watch others be pushed out
My own pushed
On the outside
Because they belong to me

Their ache is my ache
Their hurt is my heart
When they strive
I put myself in their path
I take the blow
I become the culprit

Because I see
What they cannot see
And though they hear
The Truth
They do not understand it

This broken world
The broken life
We broken people
We hurt
We hurt each other

I ache
My people ache
Your people ache
All of creation aches
For You

In our pain 
We wound
Wandering towards Home
But not really knowing the way
Longing for Your voice
So hard to hear

I wish that I did not see
Did not speak
Did not ache

But even more
I wish it for them

But it is not to be
For the longing is real
We are far from Home
Travel is wearying
The road is too long


Diana DePriest
© August 21, 2014