Monday, January 23, 2012

Be Still

Be still my heart, find peace in the chaos,
But even in silence, I can't find the payoff.

The voices in my head create angst and unrest,
No matter how still I am, my mind is distressed.

I reach out to capture and force them to obey,
But they fight and they struggle, go their own way.

"The Word," I demand "says do not go that direction,"
But sin exists there like a chronic infection.

"Be still my heart," I cry out in despair,
"Worship the Lord, reach out to Him in prayer!"

My focus, I try, to rest on Him alone,
With my heart and my soul, to bow at His throne.

But the flesh it arises, it pulls me away,
Double-minded with doubts, my faith seems to fray.

"Fight the good fight!" my soul, I demand,
"Only by His strength, am I able to stand."

Focus, focus! On a God I can't see?
Yes, focus on the God who's revealed Himself to me.

Can you fight for quiet, strive to be still?
Can rest be worked for or created at will?

I long for silence that I might hear Your gentle voice,
I can choose to listen, but hearing's not a choice.

Lord, Your servant listens, I pray that You speak,
I long for quiet and rest, so Your presence I seek.

Lord call this mind that wanders, to come hither to You,
To quiet and rest and to peace that is true.

Be still and quiet before a Holy and Heavenly God,
In the peace of His presence, it is no facade.

Still, at rest, in Your presence, I pray,
I cannot find it, but You've made a way.

You've promised, You, if I seek, I will find,
Help me to focus, my heart soul and mind.

A Savior You gave, to draw us near to You in love,
A Spirit You give to love us here not just from above.

So why is this struggle to be still going on?
It's this flesh of my own that makes it all wrong.

But the flesh has been conquered, though it's death may seem slow,
Though it's sometimes hard to feel it, there's victory, I know.

I will be still, my heart and mind they will bow,
For through the power of Your Spirit, they will find how.

Draw, I will draw, near to You my Lord,
You draw near also, hope of peace be restored.

You are God, this I know, so therefore I'll be still,
And Your promise of peace, I know You'll fulfill.

By Diana DePriest
© January 22, 2012

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10

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