Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Battlefield Mind

Wandering thoughts, my mind's gone astray,
I find myself thinking back on a previous day. 
My mind gets cluttered with "how's," what's," and "why's,"
A longing to "see" what wasn't seen with my eyes. 
I'm weary of the battle to wrangle my thoughts,
Consumed with suspicions, "what if's," and "have nots."
Some days I'm clear, focused in the here and the now,
Then something happens and drags me back there somehow.
A dream or a memory brings back a face I've not seen,
Back into my present, making my focus unclean.
Where is the lock that will guard the door of my mind?
Where is the solution that I can't seem to find? 
Relentless the enemy, as he whispers at me,
"You'll never find hope; you'll never be free." 
"Always at mercy will you be to your past,"
"Any semblance of freedom, it won't truly last." 
He beats to weary my spirit, what shall I do?
"NO!" I cry out. "That just isn't true!"
"Whom," I declare, "the Son sets free is FREE,"
"Greater than you, is the One living in me!" 
TRUTH is my sword, it beats my enemy back,
I can stand up firm, survive his attack.
"Help!" I cry out to the God on my side,
"Be strong my child; hold to My Word," He replied.
"Pray it. Praise it, Treasure it in your heart,"
"For I'll finish the battle, your enemy thought he could start."
"Abide in My Word, and I'll abide in you,"
"Reject the deceiver's lies, hold to what's true." 
"You're Mine and I love you, nothing comes between you and Me,"
"Nothing and no one can rob you of your victory." 
"Your mind is a battlefield, and yes you're at war,"
"But you won't fight alone; I'll guard the door." 
"I hedge you in before and behind, have no fear of release,"
"You, focus right here, and I'll give you My peace."
"To this battlefield mind, you are not sentenced you see,"
For you're destined for victory, and your victory's in Me." 

By Diana DePriest
© January 30, 2013

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